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Configuring API Data

To generate an OpenAPI schema, the plugin needs API data. This data is obtained through crawling1, or data fed directly by the user. To view, add, or edit API data, use the OpenAPI tab.

OpenAPI subtabs

The OpenAPI tab is the second top-most level tab from the left. Under it are six tabs: the (1) Operations tab, (2) Schemas tab, (3) Tags tab, (4) Security tab, (5) Servers tab, and (6) Info tab. Each of these contain fields for models of the same tab title (e.g. the Operations tab displays operation models). It also includes a (7) Delete button for clearing entered API data.

The models used under the OpenAPI tab are based on the OpenAPI specification. Although not entirely identical, each model's property maps to a field in the resulting OpenAPI schema. Below is a short run-through of each type of model:

  • Operations

    An API is a set of clearly defined methods for end-to-end communication. These methods which we call operations are units of the API that you can call. Each operation consists of an HTTP method, a URL path, parameters, request body, responses, servers, security schemes, and tags.

  • Schemas

    The request bodies and responses are defined using schemas. Schemas can be objects, primitives, or arrays. Schemas also have their own fields that can be edited and used at the input or output of the operation. An operation can have multiple responses depending on its behavior.

  • Tags

    Tags are used to group operations. Tag names must be unique.

  • Security

    These models are used to hold information regarding the security mechanisms implemented in the API. An operation can have multiple authentication schemes.

  • Servers

    These models are used to determine the base URI of API operation. An operation can be present in multiple servers.

  • Info

    A model for containing general API information, which will also be published should the configuration be uploaded to the TORO Marketplace. All fields are required.

In the following pages, we'll discuss these models in more detail, and what you can do with them under the OpenAPI tab.

  1. Operations, schemas, and tags are the only items for now that can be extracted via the Crawler.