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Concepts and Principles

A standards compliant API schema is very useful as it can be consistently machine-read by any application that supports the API schema definition. TORO Integrate, for example, can read Swagger and OpenAPI-compliant schemas and will, at the click of a button, automatically generate all the services required to consume any of the operations defined in the schema.

Unfortunately, many companies that publish APIs do not publish standards-compliant schemas to go along with it. They do, however, normally provide documentation. API documentation is typically created using some form of templated content management system. As a result, the data populating the template tends to end up with consistent formatting of CSS elements. Docs to OpenAPI leverages this by allowing a user to systematically identify the CSS elements which represent each operation in the API.

Once the user has 'mapped' the CSS elements to API operations, they are able to crawl the documentation and generate a standards-compliant OpenAPI schema. Furthermore, the configuration for the mapping can be saved and rerun later if and when the API's documentation and/or specifications change.